Monday 27 May 2013

Balance Diet for Women

Women today are achievers in many fields. Hence,  the dietary needs of women are also changing. In their busy lives of fulfilling all the roles in their life and the needs of the family, women often give least priority to nutrition.

This brings about serious health hazards in the mid and old age. A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for women as they have to go through child birth and menopause which are periods in life of hormonal upheavals and changing body functions.

Plan your diet to suit your lifestyle, health concerns and dietary preferences and to include the following nutrient prerequisites.

It is meant to boost your immune system to keep the diseases at bay.

Healthy Diet for Women

Fiber Intake
Women over 50 are recommended to have 21 grams of fiber a day and women below 50 are recommended to have 25 grams of it a day. Fiber is responsible for the slow absorption of glucose, which keeps the sugar levels in the bloodstream at normal. Fiber makes you feel full early, so incorporating it in your dietary intake will prevent overeating.

Vital Vitamins
Vitamins are essential for the body, to avoid related deficiencies. The recommended vitamin intake for women is as follows; 700 mcg a day of vitamin A, 10 mcg a day of vitamin D for women above 50 and 5 mcg a day for women below 50, 15 mg a day of vitamin E and 75 mg a day of vitamin C. Fresh fruits and vegetables are abundant in vitamins, which is why they must be a part of the daily diet. Vitamins are a very crucial part of healthy diet for pregnant women.

Iron Feast
Women lose a lot of blood during the menstrual cycle every month. If the iron intake is low, this can lead to anemia and other iron related disorders. Thus women in particular, must be cautious about their iron intake.

Bone Corrector
Women are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis. To prevent this condition, calcium intake of 1,000 milligrams a day is mandatory. For women in the post-menopausal period, daily calcium intake should be 1,500 milligrams. Thus, having calcium rich foods like yogurt, skimmed milk and cheese will go along way if keeping your bones strong.

Eating Patterns
You may have a healthy meal, but what's the point if it is being eaten at the right time? Often women skip meals owing to their busy schedule. This leads to binge eating and unnecessary consumption of saturated fats, high cholesterol food items and all the junk food. Healthy diet for women should have 5 small meals a day to maintain good health.

Balanced Dieting
Young girls are often in a frenzy to mimic unrealistic images. This makes them follow illogical diet plans and ideas. They should avoid junk food as far as possible and to eat healthy meals. Stick to a balanced diet chart that suits your need and not your preposterous dream image. Starving leads to malnutrition and begins to affect other parts of your body like hair, skin and the functions of the organs. Thus, knowing your food before you eat it, is more important than following a diet plan blindly.

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