Friday 7 June 2013

Foods That Help Reduce Blood Sugar Levels And Prevent Diabetes

The diabetes is characterized by an increase of sugar (glucose) in the blood because the pancreas can not produce sufficient insulin to help the glucose go in cells.

Diabetes cases continue to rise every year, mostly due to poor eating habits and the impact of fast food and soft drinks and increasingly sedentary lives.The best way to prevent and live with diabetes is to eat a healthy balanced diet and do some exercise, but there are also certain plants and foods that can help reduce or stabilize blood sugar levels, and so therefore, to prevent diabetes. Here you have some examples.

Scientific studies have determined that cinnamon triples the ability of insulin to metabolize glucose, or blood sugar, which provides energy and, therefore, represent an excellent food to prevent diabetes. It can be consumed by adding it to the hot milk at breakfast or making a cinnamon tea.

Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia):
Has been very useful in patients with diabetes to normalize blood glucose levels and is undergoing tests to determine and verify its impact on diabetes.

Apple Cider Vinegar:
In addition to its many other benefits (see: The benefits of apple cider vinegar), this vinegar is characterized by properties in reducing sugar levels in the blood. Take one or two tablespoons before or during meals three times a day to avoid sudden increases in blood glucose.

Green tea: Green tea is rich in polyphenols and has been shown to protect against wide swings in blood glucose levels of diabetics, however, contains caffeine which can cause side effects in some people.

Stevia is a sugar substitute sweetener for people with diabetes or for those who care to lead a healthier diet. Stevia helps stimulate insulin production and also produces increased sensitivity of the cells helping to use.

Remember that diabetes is a disease that requires the control of their blood sugar levels. If you are diabetic, check with your doctor or specialist.

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