Monday 17 June 2013

The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workout

The foods you eat before and after a good workout, and also the fluids you drink on your workout go a long way towards ensuring your exercise has the best effect on your health as possible. Whether you're staying hydrated having a bottle of water while you're on a run, or debating things to munch on for a little post-workout energy, Eating Well magazine has some suggestions to help maximize your workout and you satisfied in the process.

To begin with, they mention-as we do in our exercise myths post-that water is most likely your best bet during exercise to remain hydrated, even over something similar to a sports energy drink that may be loaded with sugar and calories. They suggest adding just a little flavor to your water to help keep things interesting-maybe with a little lemon, lime, or cucumber-and observe that people who drink flavored water often drink more during their workouts than individuals with straight water do.

We've tackled the main topic of what to eat before and after your exercise routine before, but this piece addresses the significance of protein in your diet, and asserts that rather than carbs before your workout, they're better afterward instead.

Best foods to consume before you Exercise
In order to properly burn fat when you workout, you need to eat carbohydrates in advance. If you do not eat prior to exercise, you won't have enough energy to exercise efficiently.

While it's true that if you do not eat before you decide to exercise your body will turn to burning stored fat as fuel, it is really an insignificant amount compared to just how much better your body will perform whether it uses glucose taken from fresh carbohydrates instead.

The body digests different components at different speeds, so based on your schedule you need to improve your meal accordingly:
Carbs take 2 hours to digest
Protein takes three hours to digest
Fat takes 4 hours to digest

If you can intend on eating a large meal a couple of hours before working out, be sure to have a balanced meal of wholegrain carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Half an hour before exercising eat a snack that's high in carbohydrates but doesn't have protein or fat. Foods which are high in fiber are best avoided just before exercising because they can cause bloating.

Best foods to consume after you Exercise
When you are done exercising the body is going to go to work repairing any resulting damage, for example microscopic tears in your muscles from lifting weights. In order for your body to repair itself, you have to give it the correct tools.

Eating a well-balanced after-exercise snack that contains complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat provides you with the amino acids, energy, along with other nutrients that you need in order to move on with the day. It is best to eat something inside the first 30 minutes after your projects out, so keeping some stock items available can be helpful.

Sports drinks are simple to put into your gym bag and contain carbs and protein to aid in the recovery process. Nutrition bars will also be easy to stash away, but make sure to read the labels to make sure the nutrition bar you're eating really is a balanced meal. A number of them are mainly carbohydrates and the protein portion is negligent.

If you possess the opportunity to eat something more substantial soon after you exercise, you can opt for a bagel with peanut butter, a turkey sandwich, or eggs and toast. The aim you are reaching for as an after exercise meal is really a balance of carbs and protein, so any healthy choices that take each of those into consideration will work.

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