Friday 12 July 2013

Best Foods That Prevent Diabetes Complication

Controlling the blood sugar level is the greatest way to prevent diabetes complications. When you eat healthy and nutrient pack foods you are able to stabilise the blood-sugar level and remain safe from
damaging consequences of diabetes. Below mentioned may be the list of healthy food that can prevent diabetes complications:

Green tea extract
Lack of physical activity and high fat food can ruin body’s capability to absorb blood sugar. This is the main reason for diabetes complications. Green tea have sufficient amount of flavonoid that help to fight inflammation. Orange and cranberry juice may be the other options for similar effect.

When taken before meal vinegar significantly reduces diabetic complications. The participants of study received 2 tablespoon of vinegar before you eat. Results showed 25% decrease in blood sugar levels level of diabetes and 50% reduction in prediabetics.

Daily dose of half a tablespoon of cinnamon could make cell more sensitive to insulin. Results says cinnamon and diabetes are closely linked. Once the research group stop taking cinnamon, there is rise in their blood sugar level.

Besides lowering sugar spikes, cinnamon also result in improvement in heart health. To avoid diabetes complications add little quantity of cinnamon to your daily food.

Lemon or lime
Citrus fruits such as grapefruits and oranges are fantastic fruits for diabetes. Diabetics have lower degree of vitamin C. Owing to this reason antioxidant packed citrus fruits are healthy option for diabetics. Citrus fruits lower the index list and rich in dietary fibre and citrus.

Apple is primary supply of quercetin. Also known as flavonoid, quercetin is a naturally occurring chemical substances that gives colour to fruit. Individuals who ate quercetin rich food have 20% less likelihood of dying from diabetes and heart disease. To prevent diabetes complications, make apple a part of your daily diet.

Being low in calories and fat legumes reduce the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Chickpeas, kidney beans, cannelloni beans and lentils will vary type of legumes that are healthy for diabetics. This high fibre and protein food slows down glucose release in to the blood stream. As a result blood sugar spikes are prevented and person remains protected from sudden hunger

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