Sunday 28 July 2013

Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Your Body

Massage therapy is a nice way to relax and take a rest from the stress of everyday life. Studies have proven the emotional and physical benefits of just one massage therapy session. The greater consistent benefits of massage.
you are with your sessions the higher the health benefits are and the more balanced your lifetime will be. Many benefits of therapeutic massage are that it relieves stress, promotes relaxation, will enhance your posture, improve circulation, relax parts of your muscles and can even lower blood pressure level. There are endless

Here are some Benefits Of Massage

1. Promotes deeper breathing
Breathing is vital to ensure that oxygen circulates easily throughout the body, and encourages healing and development in the process. Decreased oxygen circulation leads to headaches, tension aches, and random muscle pain that may accumulate into a significant problem with time. By enhancing your oxygen intake, you'll naturally promote the release of poisons and negative energy in the human body.

2. Improves posture
Although massage will not be used as a replacement for a chiropractic diagnosis, posture can slowly not to mention improve as the spine and muscles round the spine become more flexible and supple. Improved posture also helps with breathing and less tension through the body.

3. Improves circulation 
A noticable difference in both blood and lymph circulation helps the body gain strength and maximizes your time level. Especially during the winter season when circulation and metabolisms might be slower, massage can help in removing toxins within the blood and encouraging fresh energy to flow easily. Efficient circulation will help with muscle recovery, growth, and promotes natural healing process.

4. Reduces anxiety
Like a natural deep relaxant, a successful massage can significantly reduce anxiety. Usually, anxiety is kept in some key areas of the body; the low back, shoulders, abdomen, and neck. By relieving these regions of tension, the mind can 'let go' of tension and experience a light, almost freeing sensation.

5. Increases self-awareness
The mind-body connection is usually overlooked in today's fast-paced society. In the minute you wake up, towards the moment you go to bed, you can easily slip into 'mind-only' mode. When you re-establish the bond with your body, you will experience less effort of movement, a more centered feeling, as well as an enhanced feeling of well-being.

6. Promotes mental alertness
Although a massage may bring you into a state of deep relaxation, this is a state of heightened mental alertness. The mind is relaxed and calm, but aware and in this state, able to solving even the toughest problems!

7. Increases reassurance
With your ability to feel relaxed not to mention aware, peace of mind becomes a necessary result. Reassurance can be defined as a sense of calm well-being and merely feeling good naturally.

8. Satisfies requirement for human touch
As people, we all need to feel the touch of some other human being. This can range from an easy hug, handshake, or a nurturing touch. A massage encourages this kind of connection and increases your appreciation with this human need.

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